Importing and Exporting

One of the features the grade calculator provides is importing and exporting classes. This feature has a number of uses. This could allow users to export a class they created allowing them to save a class they created using guest class, which does not save automatically. With an exported class you can import it into the grade calculator and GradeMaster will parse the JSON and update the current class to match the imported class.

Another use is if you want to share a class with another person. Once you export a class, you can either send them the JSON file or the contents of the class. After which, they can open GradeMaster and import the class they received.

On the roadmap for GradeMaster is the ability to upload your exported classes into templates, which will then be stored on GradeMaster's servers. Users can then search through templates and see if the class they are in has already been added. For more information on templates, Click Here

Exporting Classes

Lets learn how we can export classes we've created. We will learn this first, because you need to have valid JSON to import a class and using the export feature is the easiest way to get valid JSON for that. I will use the class that we created in the Setup Basic Class tutorial, with the scores changed a bit to make it more realistic.

Starting Class

Now we can click the 'Import/Export' button and click the toggle to switch to exporting mode. From here you can click the download JSON button which will download a JSON file with the class information in it, or you can copy the class json that was provided.

Export Results

Now you have successfully exported a class from GradeMaster. As long as you have this exported class, you, or anyone you give it to, will be able to replicate the class by importing it.

Importing Classes

Once you have a Class JSON that was either provided to you or you got from exporting a class, you can now import a class to GradeMaster. For this example we will be importing the class we just exported into a blank guest class. To start, let's open up a blank guest page. You can do so by navigating to Guest Page or if you are already on the guest page, but refreshing the page. This is our blank guest page.

Fresh Guest Class

Now we can click the 'Import/Export' button. Here you can see an input field for the Class JSON. I will use the class JSON I got from exporting the class above. Click Here to download the JSON file I will be using. Go ahead and paste the entire JSON into the field and click Import.

Import Input

Once you click Import, it will process your JSON and then show you a preview of the class that will be created. If you input an invalid JSON, it will show you an error letting you know, although it likely will not tell you why it's invalid.

Import Preview

Once you confirm everything is correct, simply click next and the grade calculator should be updated with your imported class. Be careful though, as this will completely overwrite your entire class, so any data you had in the class before will be lost and irretrievable.

Imported Class

With that you have succesfully imported your class and can now edit it any way you want!


Adding soon